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Subud Cherkassy

Latihan Hours:
Thursdays 18:30
(simultaneous men and women)
Sundays 11:00
(simultaneous men and women)
Tuesdays 18:30
(helpers meetings)
30, Bogdan Khmelnitsky str.
Cherkassy 257015 Ukraine
+ 38-0472-37 98 32
Postal address:
Subud Cherkassy,
Central P.O.Box 99, Cherkassy,
257000 Ukraine
About Subud Cherkassy
The Subud Centre is a small yellow house, typical for this region. Located at the end of a dead end street, under fruit trees and surrounded by small houses with gardens. It is just one bus stop from the center and has easy access from all parts of the town. The house has an area of about 90 m2; three rooms (a group committee office, a guests room and a sitting room), a kitchen and a bathroom.
Attached to the back of the house and standing taller is the new building, with three 50m2 latihan halls (one of them in the cellar), a big entrance hall and toilet. The halls are rented out to Yoga and Oriental dance groups. There is a 200m2 courtyard with a small garden.
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